October 16, 2023
By Florida Sportsman
This article is from a press release from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, and has been updated.
Unlike the short rut period in the north, biologists have documented white-tailed deer breeding in Florida every single month except May. In northern deer ranges, the duration of the rut is short and doesn't vary much from area to area or from year to year. In the southeast, where the timing of the fawning is not as tied to the seasons, rut activity is more variable. In no other state does peak deer breeding vary as much as it does in Florida; from July in south Florida to February in northwest Florida.
For average Florida rut dates statewide and by zone. (FWC map) Since 2009, FWC biologists have been collecting biological data from female white-tailed deer on private and public lands to investigate breeding dates and productivity. The data helps guide management decisions and allows managers to set hunting dates and zonal lines.
Florida's hunting zones. For more information on hunting zones and deer management units, visit https://myfwc.com/hunting/season-dates/zone-map/ CWD Deer Regulations in Place in Zone D Archery and crossbow deer seasons in Zone D, located in the Florida Panhandle, began on Oct. 26, 2024, on lands outside the wildlife management area system with new regulations to fight chronic wasting disease.
In June 2023, the first known case of CWD in a white-tailed deer was confirmed by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. No additional positive cases have been detected since, but the FWC created a CWD Management Zone with special regulations and new hunting rules in Zone D. The zone borders Alabama and Georgia. Learn more here