October 02, 2012
By Florida Sportsman

Sometimes, the fish win. When it comes to tarpon, they have a serious tendency to become "unglued". In this video, posted by Florida Sportsman member capt_toddtt in the Southeast region of the forum, a single tarpon took a crew on a ride they will never forget. Team InsideOut Fishing was fishing for smaller tarpon and snook inside the Ft. Pierce Inlet turning basin during the Michael Shields Memorial Inshore Fishing Tournament when a unexpectedly large tarpon inhaled one of their live baits. Armed with spinning gear and only 30-pound fluorocarbon leader, this tarpon had quite the upper advantage, taking the crew a some 10 miles away and four hours elapsed fight time before chafing through the light leader. "Though it was a heart wrenching ending we have mad respect for such an amazingly strong animal," remarked capt_toddtt.
Check out the forum post here.