June 10, 2014
By Florida Sportsman
Florida Sportsman member down4dacount has great success with his handgun.
Florida Sportsman member kci-mia wants to know what kind of handgun to use when hunting hogs, and just how successful he may be doing so. Fellow members offer many responses, pointing him in the right direction with pictures to prove it. If you are looking into buying a handgun for hunting or are wondering which one to take along on your next hunt, check out this thread.
"I want to hunt hogs with handgun this year. I'm not looking to shoot a trophy hog, just meat hog like I always do. I will keep the range within 25 yards as that's about as far as I can consistently hit a clay pigeons from standing position. I have couple of handguns I can use including a 357 mag Python, Colt 1911 in 45ACP and Ruger GP100.I'm not sure if I want to use the 45ACP or 357mag yet. Any advice would be appreciated" [...]