September 25, 2012
By Florida Sportsman Newswire
Great post this week on our Fly Catching Forum: Member FLA_Tony, of Naples, sent in this picture, and a few more, of a 40-plus-inch snook.
The fish struck a No. 2 Gurgler pattern 6 feet from the boat. Tony was using only 12-pound-test class tippet and 30-pound shock tippet on an 8-weight flyrod, gear that could've easily led to a different outcome of this backwater brawl. His fiance took the picture. The fish was released (season remains closed on the Gulf side for at least another year, and the fish is obviously over the slot limit).
To read the complete thread, click here.
Catches of adult snook like should be a welcome sign for anglers in Southwest Florida, as the snook populations were hit hard by the cold winters of 2009 and 2010.