July 11, 2016
By Florida Sportsman Newswire
Join fellow duck hunters from around the state on Friday, August 12th for the 7th Annual UW-F /FWC Florida Waterfowl Summit.
The night before, a reception will be held at the Ocala Hilton at 6pm. Dinner and drinks will be provided by United Waterfowlers - Florida. This will be a fun time for the whole family and a great opportunity to meet and greet with everybody at the event.
Friday morning, August 12th, the conference will be held in the Ocala Hilton ballroom at 8am. You must be registered to attend this event, click here to register.
"This year we drill down into the root causes of habitat decline, discriminate sources, discuss how to mitigate root cause, mitigate existing damage, improve water quality, and how to restore wetlands and make it stick, and at the same time, have some fun."
Reserve your room for the event at the Hilton now
2016 Florida Waterfowl Summit Presentation line-up
Casey Fitzgerald - SJRWMD
Florida Springs Restoration; Legislative, Scientific, and "Turn Dirt" Solutions
Beacham Furse - FWC
Development of a Statewide Assessment Plan to Focus Need for Management and Enhancement Activities
Allysa Jordan - FWC
Restoring a Historical Bald Cypress Strand in the Northwest Marsh of Lake Okeechobee
Dan Kolterman - FWC
Auquatic Habitat Enhancement at Emeralda Conservation Area 3
Mark Cook - SFWMD
Restoration of Marsh Habitat in the Everglades
Maurice Barker - FDEP
Biosolids Use and Regulation in Florida
Peter Barile - Marine Research and Consulting, Inc.
Coastal Ecosystem Collapse can be Mitigated by Wastewater Infrastructure Upgrades
Steve Miller - SJRWMD
Harvesting Bio-Mass in Florida Wetlands
Scott Turgeon - NRCS
Wetland Reserve Easements