The proposal aims to end the overfishing of red snapper, reduce dead discards, and increase fishing opportunities in the South Atlantic. (Photo courtesy of FWC)
January 14, 2025
By Florida Sportsman Staff
ST. PETERSBURG - NOAA’s National Marine Fisheries Service announced today that it is proposing a bottom fishing closure off Florida’s Atlantic Coast for all 55 species of snapper and grouper species managed by the agency. The proposed closure would prohibit all recreational bottom fishing for three months each year and would cover all waters of the Atlantic between the Florida/Georgia state line and Port Canaveral, an area measuring roughly 38,000 square miles in federal waters.
The proposal is part of a Secretarial Amendment compelled by a settlement in a lawsuit the agency agreed to in August 2024. There is a public comment period for this proposal open now until March 17, 2025. Public comments may be received electronically at and type “NOAA-NMFS-2024-0142” in the search box and click on the “comment” icon, complete required fields or attach comments. Comments may also be sent by mail to: Nikhil Mehta, Southeast Regional Office, NMFS, 263 13th Avenue South, St. Petersburg, FL 33701.
The goal of the proposal, according to NMFS, is to “end and prevent overfishing of red snapper while reducing dead discards and providing additional fishing opportunities.” According to NMFS data, a stock assessment of red snapper from 2021 determined that too many red snapper were being discarded dead by recreational anglers, as much as 98 percent. Amendment 59 to the Fishery Management Plan for Snapper-Grouper is trying to end overfishing and reduce fishing mortality.
The American Sportfishing Association (ASA), a leading national recreational angler advocacy organization, said the move is completely unnecessary.
“The ASA is deeply disappointed to see NOAA Fisheries propose this drastic action, which may cause irreparable economic damage to the coastal communities and businesses that rely on recreational fishing, as well as recreational fishing manufacturers and suppliers across the country” said Martha Guyas, Southeast Fisheries Policy Director for ASA. NOAA Fisheries notes that the proposed bottom fishing closure is projected to yield a recreational harvest season for Atlantic red snapper of 5-9 days per year, up from a single day in 2024 and two days in 2023.
“A three-month bottom fishing closure for 55 species of reef fish in exchange for 5-9 days of red snapper season is not a good trade,” added Guyas. “ Given NOAA Fisheries’ recognition that red snapper is no longer overfished or undergoing overfishing, an increase in the recreational season is certainly warranted. However, it is absurd to simultaneously propose drastic closures.”
Florida Sportsman will update this story as needed. For more information about red snapper, click here .