Greater amberjack. (File photo)
July 29, 2024
By Florida Sportsman
The opening of recreational greater amberjack fishing in the state waters of the Gulf of Mexico has been moved back a month to lessen fishing pressure on the species, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) said Monday.
The FWC issued an executive order to modify the recreational season in the Gulf, originally scheduled to open Aug. 1, and postpone opening day until Sept. 1. The season will remain open until Oct. 31.
"Recreational harvest of Gulf greater amberjack will remain closed during August," the FWC said in a news release. "The Gulf greater amberjack stock is overfished and experiencing overfishing and the recreational season modification is consistent with the new recreational season recommended by the Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council in Gulf federal waters.
"Consistent state and federal recreational seasons for greater amberjack would help prevent quota overages and mitigate risks of paybacks and seasonal closures."
Greater Amberjack Regulations for Gulf State and Federal Waters Minimum Size Limit : 34” Fork LengthDaily Bag Limit : 1 per personSeason : Open Sept. 1 - Oct. 31Click here for more on Florida fishing regulations for greater amberjack .