March 20, 2012
By Jeff Weakley
Costa Rica Tarpon
It was a cinch hooking tarpon like this outside the Rio Colorado rivermouth;
holding one up for a photo was a different story.
Anyone up for a driftwood fire? In the distance is Tortuguero,
a coastal hill that overlooks a major sea turtle nesting area.
The dinner table at Silver King Lodge was a sight to behold,
especially after a long day of fishing.
Lodge manager Ray Barry, hard at work.
After a couple of jumps and runs, a lot of the fish fights end up in a vertical tug-o-war.
Open water tarpon often perform like sailfish, skipping across the wave crests.
Matt Sexton, of West Palm Beach, wonders what new surprises Guinder has in store.
Editor Weakley caught himself with a bass bug . . .
. . . but was soon released to fight again.
Your best shot at seeing clear water is in the lodge swimming pool.
Guinder, a.k.a. Edwin Clarke, our fearless leader, rocks around the dock.
Another weary soul (note full body sweat) checks his wristwatch,
amazed at a tarpon's stamina.
Off-color water does little to deter the tuna bite. In fact, the fish commonly
prowl the tidelines outside the rivermouth, where there is loads of forage.