October 27, 2011
By Jeff Weakley
Photo Credit: FWC
So it's not as dramatic as taking a 10-point buck or 10-foot gator, but nevertheless gray squirrel hunting is pretty darn exciting. Come November 12, Florida hunters will have almost four months to chase bushytails. Some choose a 20-gauge shotgun for moving targets, while others rifle hunt using a .22 (be sure to check dates and approved weapons on Wildlife Management Areas). Daily bag limit this year will be 12 gray squirrels; 24 in possession.
On our Hunting Forum, the question arose recently as to the edibility of gray squirrels. Members were quick to respond with recipes and advice.
“Years ago, my favorite school lunch was leftover cold fried squirrel,” noted Forum Member bone. “The key is to quarter them and cut the tendons at each joint so the meat can contract when cooking.”
Ruskinredneck offered two very detailed and delicious-sounding recipes—one for crockpot cooking, another for a baked squirrel pie. Other members chimed in, too.
Check out the thread and let us know your favorite treatment. Already we practically have a cookbook for Florida squirrel hunters!